It's been some time not updating this blog. I've been thinking over whether it's meaningful to keep updating this blog or not, since a blog like this is not very popular among common readers and it takes a lot of time and effort to write a post. That's why when I've got other things to do, I just put this blog aside. The reason why I've decided to write again is a comment of appreciation from a reader. Although there is only one single comment, I felt very motivated knowing that my posts are helping someone through the learning of Manchu, knowing that my efforts go to somewhere, not nowhere. I want to try my best to protect this dying language.
Going back to our lesson, we only have one vowel left, among the six vowels. Please be noted that the correct writing for this vowel is like the below, "ü" is only the closest I can find on the keyboard. For a easier handling, our lesson will keep using this incorrect "ü".
Below is vowel "ü" and how it looks like in different positions within a word.
Word-initial (Since there are only two or three words starting with vowel "ü", most scholars believe that they are imported words)
Word-middle ("ü" is simpler comparing to "u" as its word-middle form is always the same whichever consonant it follows)
Pronunciation of vowel "ü" sounds like vowel "o" which sounds like "o" in "orange".
It's hard to describe the pronunciation by words, those interested can click the below link which teaches pronunciation of vowels by Mr. Guang Dingyuan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5IRtsxiMqc
Being a member of the Altaic language family, Manchu has vowel harmony and we are going to explore this expect in next post.
Thanks again for your interest in Manchu!
Today's lesson is about the fifth vowel, "u". For those who want to go back to the other lessons on the vowels, please click here.
Below is vowel "u" and how it looks like in different positions within a word.
Have you found out that vowel "u" and vowel "o" are very similar? Not sure? Check below.
Vowel "u" has only one extra dot. Moreover, for word-middle and word-end, vowel "u" has one writing variant exactly the same as those of vowel "o".
This situation is the same with the word-middle of vowel "a" and vowel "e". Therefore, we need to learn how to distinguish them. However, let's talk about this when we reach the part of word-middle and word-end.
Word-initial (Left being the regular script, right the Romanized form):
From the above, we see that besides the five consonants that require our extra attention, the word-middle form of vowel "u" is always with a dot.
Let me give you an example with a with-dot middle form of vowel "u":
For those that are with a dot, we know immediately that it is vowel "u". For those that are without a dot, how do we know is it vowel "u" or vowel "o".
這個情況和母音"a" 和"e"的語中形相似,母音"u"連接上述五個子音"t","d","k","g"和"h"時會改變子音的樣子,所以我們可以靠觀察五個子音的變化知道這個是母音"u"還是母音"o",請參考下圖。
This is a similar situation with vowel "a" and vowel "e". Vowel "u" changes the form of consonants "t", "d", "k", "g" and "h", we can thus find out whether it is vowel "u" or vowel "o" by observing these changes. Please see the following image for reference.
From the above image, one can observe the changes in the consonants. Consonant "t" has one extra horizontal stroke with vowel "u" while consonant "k", "g" and "h" change its form completely.
As shown by the above image, word-end is similar to word-middle, you can distinguish vowel "o" and "u" looking at the changes in the five specific consonants. Those with a dot is certainly vowel "u". For those that is without a dot, you have to observe the form of the five consonants.
To ensure a perfect understanding, please refer to the below image.
Vowel "u" sounds like "u" in "wu".
Once again, please leave your comments below if you have any questions for me.
I have always thought that this video is great in evoking passion and is full of information. However, this video in Chinese cannot reach an international audience without English subtitles. Therefore, I privately put up English translations and subtitles so that this promotional video can attract more attention from the public.
This is my first time putting up subtitles for videos. Please forgive me for the unprofessional quality and leave me comments if you have doubts on certain points.
For those who cannot open the video below, this is the Chinese script and my English translation. The video is at the end of this post.
This program was sponsored by Department of Lifelong Education, Ministry of Education, Taiwan
Manchu is the language of the Manchu people in China/Taiwan. In 1599, Qing Taizu, Nurhaci, ordered his ministers, Erdeni and Gagai, to use the structure of Jurchen language and make use of Mongolian alphabets to create Manchu. Early Manchu had no circles and dots on the right-hand side of the alphabets. It was not convenient to use. In 1633, Emperor Huang Taiji ordered scholar Dahai to add circles and dots and to make Manchu's word structure, phonetics and grammar rules more rational and scientific. Manchu has been used for over 300 years. Until the end of Qing Dynasty, Manchu was still employed in treaties signed with foreign powers. Manchu was the national language of Qing Dynasty. Manchu language, Riding and Archery was the basic national policy. National language, being the primary language used by officials, was placed above Chinese. In order to maintain and enhance the ethnic features among Manchu nobility and bannermen, Manchu education was implemented. This has nurtured many great emperors unprecedented in Chinese history. In order to thoroughly execute the national policy, soldiers in all banner garrisons were required to learn Manchu by military orders as a way to strengthen the Manchu regime.
Manchu is an alphabetic writing which is very different from Chinese. As Han Chinese had been against the barbarians for a long time, their prejudice against other ethnicities was significant. Han Chinese found that Manchu was difficult to understand and to use, it was also hard to form a study habit and to master, only those who wanted to become an officer realized its importance. Until 1911, Emperor Xuantong (Puyi) announced his abdication, after the 1911 Revolution and the establishment of Republic of China, Han Chinese's anti-Manchu emotions was elated. Dark Age of Manchu study began and it has lasted for about half a century. Manchu was considered a dead language. In 1956, My father, Guang Lu, started to teach Manchu in universities in Taiwan. This opened a path in university history and Manchu was revived. What interesting is that in 1687, Emperor Kangxi issued a Manchu "dismounting stele" in Tainan Confucius Temple, 300 years later, Manchu was revived in Taiwan. If Emperor Kangxi were able to know, he would also feel miraculous.
Right now, in Taiwan or abroad, scholars who work on Manchu studies are all students of Guang Lu, as one could tell. Foreigners were used to learn alphabetic writing. Missionaries from the West and scholars who admired Chinese culture and who studied classic literature, Chinese culture and ideology found that it was easier using Manchu, rather than Chinese, as a medium. They thus considered Manchu very important. They brought Manchu Four Books and Five Classics back to Europe. They also published many Manchu books. This led to interests in oriental studies. Today, there are 23 countries working on Manchu but Manchu is wilting. It has been listed by UNESCO as "endangered language". Passionate individuals call for attention and help.
I once, in 1979, went to Sunjiazi Village in Heilongjiang to do a field research. The youth there understood the spoken Manchu of their elders. However, what the elders said was just common expressions. It was like Han Chinese speaking Manchu, there was no Manchu accent. Language is mankind's intangible asset and is more long-lasting than any other tangible assets. The cultural value of language is not to be replaced by anything. Language is a thinking tool, as well as a tool for people to understand the world. The extinction of a language is the disappearance of a gene to develop thoughts. Upon this, U.S. media The New York Times, with a long passage, reported the danger of extinction of Manchu.
National Palace Museum of Taipei keeps thousands and thousands of valuable Manchu documents. These documents attract scholars from different places, they are the real treasure of world national culture. Our government, in contrast, pays far less attention to rescue our culture than to rescue endangered animals and plants. We see no measures of rescue from the government, what we see is just that our treasure has become part of commercial activities. This has confused passionate individuals.
In 1973, Guang Lu passed away. Manchu education has walked into people's life and was passed to Guang Dingyuan/me and there have been some thirty years. Private institutions' power is limited but we do produce some talented people. They engage in scholarly work, lectures. In order to solve the problem of printing in Manchu, they succeeded in creating first Manchu computing. This started a trend in the study on Manchu computing. Since there are only a handful Taiwanese who can speak Manchu. Encouraged by I-Mei's Gao Zhiming, I have recorded a Manchu lecture with real Manchu accent. However, efforts made only by individuals is not enough. Government's whole-hearted support is required. With this, can we gather talented people to successfully create Taiwan's development on multiculturalism.
I do not own this video. I translated this video so as more people can watch it. Click "CC"/ subtitles button to open the English subtitles.
Today's lesson is about the forth vowel, "o". For those who want to go back to the lesson on other vowels, please click the following: vowel "a", vowel "e" and vowel "i".
Below is vowel "o" and how it looks like in different positions within a word.
從上圖看到母音"o" 除了在作為語末出現時有兩種寫法外,其餘位置時只有一種寫法。
From the above image, we can see that vowel "o" has two variants at the end of a word. Otherwise, there is only one written form at other positions.
Word-initial (Left being the regular script, right the Romanized form):
Sometimes we will come across double vowel "o" like the following:
Word-end has two variants:
母音"o"的語末形通常會以第一種寫法出現,而第二種寫法僅於書寫單字配子音b, p, k, g, h 時出現,請參考下表︰
Usually vowel "o" ends with the first writing variant. The second variant only happens in single syllable word with consonants b, p, k, g, and h. See below for reference:
從上圖看到,第二種寫法只能作為單字出現、並配搭子音b, p, k, g, h。
From the above, we know the second variant can only appear in a single word and follow consonants b, p, k, g and h.
For pronunciation, vowel "o" sounds like "o" in "orange".
不知不覺,母音方面我們已學了四個了,之後會學的母音"u"和"ū"跟母音"o"相當相似,繼續努力! Without much hardship, we've already learned four vowels. In next lessons, we will learn vowel "u" and vowel "ū" which look much like vowel "o". Keep learning and you will be able to read some Manchu soon!
Today's lesson is about the third vowel, "i". For those who want to go back to the lesson on vowel "a" and vowel "e", please click the following: vowel "a", vowel "e".
Below is the vowel "i" and how it looks like in different positions within a word.
複習:單獨形是它單獨表現時的寫法,語頭形是它作為字首時的寫法,語中形就是字中間時而語末形就是字尾。 Revision: The first row is the Romanized form, the second how it looks like when it is on its own; the third when it is placed as word-initial; the forth when it is in the middle and the last when it is at the end of a word.
I have not explained the "by itself" form in the last two lessons as the use of it has been shown by its name. However, today's vowel "i" is different as it has two variants.
From the above image, the one with number "1" written beside is first form while the one with number "2" is the second form.
The two variants looks greatly different.
The first variant is used to present the personal pronouns "he" and "she" as well as other Chinese phonemes.
The second variant is a possessive form. For example, the "'s" in "Manzhou's Origin".
語頭形(左是楷書體、右是羅馬字): Word-initial (Left being the regular script, right the Romanized form):
The first and second variants differ only because of different writing habit. There is no difference in the usage. They follow a vowel while the third variant follows a consonant. Please see the below.
母音"i"的語末形有兩種寫法,樣子一樣、只是大小不同。除了緊接子音b, p, k , g, h時將母音"i"縮小寫外,其餘情況一律使用第一種寫法。
Vowel "i" has two variants which look the same but differ in size. Vowel "i" is written in a small form when it follows consonants b, p, k, g, h. Otherwise, it is written in the first form.
See the following image for comparison:
Vowel "i" sounds like "ee" in English.
This lesson is not hard, right? We have already mastered three vowels and there are only three left before having mastered all the vowels of Manchu!
Below is the vowel "e" and how it looks like in different positions within a word.
Regular script
In handwriting
複習:單獨形是它單獨表現時的寫法,語頭形是它作為字首時的寫法,語中形就是字中間時而語末形就是字尾。 Revision: The first row is the Romanized form, the second how it looks like when it is on its own; the third when it is placed as word-initial; the forth when it is in the middle and the last when it is at the end of a word. 我們用幾個字來學習吧! Let's learn with the help of a few words! 語頭形(左是楷書體、右是草書體,中間是羅馬字): Word-initial (Left being the regular script, right the other form while the middle is the Romanized form):
In the middle:
台、織機 主、君
rack, loom master, lord
Please pay attention to the circled
Have you discovered that the middle form of vowel "a" is similar to one of the middle forms of vowel "e"? You're right, they look the same.
So, how can we distinguish these two?
It may be difficult but I will try my best to explain. I also revise my Manchu while doing this.
From the above we can see that "te" and "de" look almost the same, the difference is the added dot in "de". And the difference between "ke", "ge" and "he" is "without dot or circle", "with dot" and "with circle". The difference between "te" and "ta" is "through" and "not-through" (sorry, I really don't know how to say, please refer to the image above) while "ke" and ""ka" differ by an additional vertical stroke).
圈點的出現是由於1599年時以蒙古文為基礎時創製的滿文無圈點(稱老滿文),在表達上稍有不足,後來為了改善老滿文,加了十個字頭和圈點(稱新滿文)。在無圈點前,"te"和"de"、"ke"、 "ge"和 "he"是分不開的。
The addition of dots and circles was to improve the original Manchu script (script without dots and circles) created upon the Mongolian script. The later script, also with the addition of ten graphemes, was called script with dots and circles. Before the addition of dots and circles, one can hardly distinguish between "te" and "de", "ke", "ge"and "he".
母音"e"的語中形(無點)是接t, d, k, g, h 這五個子音的,有點的則接其餘子音。
The word-middle form (without dot) of vowel "e" is to follow consonants "t", "d", "k", "g" and "h", the form with dot follows the other consonants.
Not sure you understand the above or not? Let's do a test!
For the following image, is it vowel "e" or vowel "a"?
The answer is vowel "e". The reason is that there is a dot. Vowel"a" has no dot.
So, what if I give you one with no dots? Since the middle form of vowel "e" can also be dotless, you have to recall what you have learned above.
The answer is vowel "e". The reason is that the script of the consonant "t" is "through".
This is the end for the lesson on the middle-form of vowel "e". For any questions, leave a comment. I will try my best to explain.
The two word-end forms which look the same with those of vowel "a" are
used to connect the five consonants which vowel "a" cannot link
Vowel "e" sounds like the "er" in "father".
After writing this lesson, I pretty understand why some professors of Qing history never study Manchu for their whole life. Manchu is not easy to learn and what I have learned is just the very basics. For those who are reading this and self-studying Manchu, you must give extra effort and I will try my very best to make it easier to understand!
Thank you for reading the whole passage, it is not an easy read. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.
上星期四在台北國立故宮博物館圖書文獻館的我請了滿文大師莊吉發老師為我們朗讀一小段《滿洲實錄》中有關滿洲起源的故事,為了方便大家學習,我準備了該摘文的滿文原字(旁邊有其羅馬拼音表記)、漢字和我的英文翻譯。我知道我們才剛開始討論第一個母音,但先聽聽感受感受這個語言吧! I was so lucky to have invited Prof Chuang Chi-fa to read a part of Manzhou Shilu (Veritable Records of Manchus) for me and he let me put it online for all Manchu learners. To facilitate your learning, I have prepared the original Manchu text below with the Romanized letters beside, the Chinese text and my English translation*. *I am just trying my best to do an English translation for all parties who are interested in knowing what the story is about. Please inform me for mistakes and I beg your pardon for any confusion caused. 朗讀者簡介: Introduction to the reader: 莊吉發(1936年生),台灣著名歷史學者,曾任故宮博物院研究員和專名學府教授,專長為滿文文獻研究,是台灣少數精通滿文的學者。 Chuang Chi-fa (born in 1936), eminent historian in Taiwan. Having worked as a researcher in National Palace Museum in Taipei and Professor in eminent universities, he excels in Manchu script research and is one of the few scholars who is fluent in Manchu. 為了方便閱讀,我將文本分了三部份。 To make an easier reading, I divided the text into three parts. 第一部份: First Part:
Chinese script:
English Translation:
The Manchus originated from a lake called Bulhuri down at the bottom of Bukuri Mountain north-east of Changbai Mountain. One day, there were three heavenly maidens bathing there and they were Enggulen,...
Second Part:
Chinese script:
English Translation:
Jenggulen and Fekulen, from eldest to youngest. After the bath, they left the water and started dressing. It was at that time a sacred magpie, Saksaha, dropped a fruit which was previously held in its mouth on Fekulen's clothes. The fruit was bright in color that she would not let go of it. ...
第三部份: Third Part:
Chinese script:
English Translation:
She put the fruit into her mouth and it went down to her stomach while she was getting dressed. Immediately she felt heavy (that she became pregnant) and she told her two sisters that, "I feel a heaviness in my belly and I just cannot rise up into the sky with you".
Bathing of the Three Heavenly Maidens in Lake Bulhuri
佛庫倫生下的就是傳說中的女真人祖先、在清朝立國後被尊為清始祖的愛新覺羅.布庫哩雍順。 Fekulen later gave birth to the progenitor of the Jurchens and founder of Aisin Gioro, Bukūri Yongšon.
Below is a link to a PDF file of a completed Manzhou Shilu (Veritable Records of Manchus), only in Chinese text. There is no virus, as far as I know.