Tuesday, August 25, 2015

如何讀懂滿文?第五講︰母音"o" How to Read Manchu? Fifth Lesson: Vowel "o"

Today's lesson is about the forth vowel, "o". For those who want to go back to the lesson on other vowels, please click the following: vowel "a", vowel "e" and vowel "i".

Below is vowel "o" and how it looks like in different positions within a word.

從上圖看到母音"o" 除了在作為語末出現時有兩種寫法外,其餘位置時只有一種寫法。
From the above image, we can see that vowel "o" has two variants at the end of a word. Otherwise, there is only one written form at other positions.

Word-initial (Left being the regular script, right the Romanized form):


Sometimes we will come across double vowel "o" like the following:

Word-end has two variants:

母音"o"的語末形通常會以第一種寫法出現,而第二種寫法僅於書寫單字配子音b, p, k, g, h 時出現,請參考下表︰
Usually vowel "o" ends with the first writing variant. The second variant only happens in single syllable word with consonants b, p, k, g, and h. See below for reference:

從上圖看到,第二種寫法只能作為單字出現、並配搭子音b, p, k, g, h。
From the above, we know the second variant can only appear in a single word and follow consonants b, p, k, g and h.

For pronunciation, vowel "o" sounds like "o" in "orange".

Without much hardship, we've already learned four vowels. In next lessons, we will learn vowel "u" and vowel "ū" which look much like vowel "o". Keep learning and you will be able to read some Manchu soon!

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