Today's lesson is about the fifth vowel, "u". For those who want to go back to the other lessons on the vowels, please click here.
Below is vowel "u" and how it looks like in different positions within a word.
Have you found out that vowel "u" and vowel "o" are very similar? Not sure? Check below.
Vowel "u" has only one extra dot. Moreover, for word-middle and word-end, vowel "u" has one writing variant exactly the same as those of vowel "o".
This situation is the same with the word-middle of vowel "a" and vowel "e". Therefore, we need to learn how to distinguish them. However, let's talk about this when we reach the part of word-middle and word-end.
Word-initial (Left being the regular script, right the Romanized form):
From the above, we see that besides the five consonants that require our extra attention, the word-middle form of vowel "u" is always with a dot.
Let me give you an example with a with-dot middle form of vowel "u":
For those that are with a dot, we know immediately that it is vowel "u". For those that are without a dot, how do we know is it vowel "u" or vowel "o".
這個情況和母音"a" 和"e"的語中形相似,母音"u"連接上述五個子音"t","d","k","g"和"h"時會改變子音的樣子,所以我們可以靠觀察五個子音的變化知道這個是母音"u"還是母音"o",請參考下圖。
This is a similar situation with vowel "a" and vowel "e". Vowel "u" changes the form of consonants "t", "d", "k", "g" and "h", we can thus find out whether it is vowel "u" or vowel "o" by observing these changes. Please see the following image for reference.
From the above image, one can observe the changes in the consonants. Consonant "t" has one extra horizontal stroke with vowel "u" while consonant "k", "g" and "h" change its form completely.
As shown by the above image, word-end is similar to word-middle, you can distinguish vowel "o" and "u" looking at the changes in the five specific consonants. Those with a dot is certainly vowel "u". For those that is without a dot, you have to observe the form of the five consonants.
To ensure a perfect understanding, please refer to the below image.
Vowel "u" sounds like "u" in "wu".
Once again, please leave your comments below if you have any questions for me.
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